On Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 May in Bologna, we at New Technology Walkers will be demonstrating HitMotion: Reloaded at Svilupparty 2023!
What is Svilupparty?
Svilupparty is one of the most important events in Italy dedicated to the indie game industry. It is a 2-3 days event where indie developers can showcase their games, meet new people, and have speeches about the game industry. It is a mix between a gaming showcase and a party, and it is a wonderful place where to meet the Italian gaming community.

We of NTW love this event and this year we are all ready and set to go there and showcase our game HitMotion: Reloaded to lots of gaming enthusiasts, hoping to make many people stay fit while having fun, and also evangelizing new people to VR.
Hitmotion story!
At the show, we will nag you about the genesis of HitMotion from the days when it was a game to be played with the Kinect, through its evolution into a fitness game for the Vive Focus Plus to the Meta Quest 2 christened ‘HitMotion: Reloaded’ and predictions for the future.
Video Gameplay
We will show some exclusive footage of the future game, and will also tell you some personal anecdotes on how has been life for us VR developers behind the curtains (or better, behind the screens (or better, behind the VR headsets)). It will be a very informal talk, that we hope will make many people curious about VR. We want to foster many questions and we’ll answer to all of them.
Protect try Hitmotion directly at the fair!
Are you ready for the fitness battle?